
Her Majesty Queen Sarah Obongha received an award as an "Ambassador for Art and Cultural Promotions in Nigeria 2015" on the 12th of September 2015,

The Vision of Queen Sarah Obongha made Visible.
Her Majesty Queen Sarah Obongha received an award as an "Ambassador for Art and Cultural Promotions in Nigeria 2015" on the 12th of September 2015, during the second edition of the Face of Culture in Nigeria Beauty pageant in Abuja. Mr. Roland Owualah, the CEO of the Face of Culture Organization congratulated her immensely on stage for her unique pet project which became a success on the 11th of February 2015. It was a poem competition organized for pupils in government primary schools in Abuja Area Municipal Council on the topic "Our Culture". They were 68 participants from 17 schools with 15 top winners. All participants were encouraged with gifts and certificates of participation, the 12 top winners had certificates and consolation prizes, the 3 top winners had certificates of excellence, cash prizes and gifts and the first prize winner had a scholarship to last her till after her NECO. Mr. Roland Owualah announced her as the "Miss Ambassador for Arts and Culture in Nigeria 2015" adding that she has clearly represented her state "Cross River" and the "Federal Capital Territory" excellently and other beauty Queens who have reigned, reigning and shall reign should look up to her.

Moreso, On the 29th of August 2015 before her handover, Queen Sarah Obongha Co organized the house of sharp hair international beauty pageant, she took care of the recruiting of the models, cat work / dance training, stage orderliness etc. The event was an unveiling / launch of a new hair, House of Sharp Hair Brand which is a UK hair sales company. It is 100% unprocessed human hair which means that it's natural properties and lustre are intact which can last for a very long time if cared properly. There were products exhibitions, media houses and three Brand Ambassadors were selected after the contest which had 17 beautiful models, to represent the hair brand in Nigeria @houseofsharphair. They are Miss Angela Ezinne, Miss. Vivian Mmoneme and Miss. Stephenie Robert.

At the moment Queen Sarah Obongha is Co organizing an Essay/ Poem Competition Nation Wide tilled "Nigeria at 55" for students aged 13years - 25years. It involves two groups 13years - 17years and 18years - 25years, marking schemes will differ based on the group. This has been ongoing since 11th Sept. 2015 and will end on the 30th Oct. 2015. There are cash prizes, consolation prizes, certificates of participation and excellence for grabs, every child within this age is expected to participate for more details interested participants are to visit Eliana and Ajay Consulting Company on Facebook. The main aim of this competition is basically for the youth to know about their country and also it is a means of impacting the act of writing in our growing youths. Queen Sarah Obongha has attended severally interviews on different platforms and she always ends her speech by saying "My projects are unending as long as I am Alive by God's special Grace".

With sincerity, she gives all thanks to God for giving her life, strength and wisdom to exhibit her creative thoughts into reality, she thanks her father Mr. Eno Obongha who always says "never leave a place without registering your presence positively" in all her days in school, groups and work, she always leaves her signature imprints. She also thanks her loving family, relations, Arc. Daniel Osuala, Destiny Group, Face of Culture Organization, her project sponsors and well-wishers for their support and votes throughout her reign as a Beauty Queen and now as an Ambassador for Arts and Cultural Promotion in Nigeria 2015. She will remain steadfast and diligent in executing more projects with good sponsorships by God's grace. She loves her country, she loves Arts and our Rich Culture. God bless us all.

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