
Ekanemesang, has informed members of academia to renew their commitment to intensive research.

The Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Obong University in Etim Ekpo, Akwa Ibom State, Prof Udoudo Ekanemesang, has informed members of academia to renew their commitment to intensive research in order to engender innovative and homegrown solutions to problems bedevilling the country.

The VC said research, teaching and community service should be cardinal focus of every university, lamenting that many schools have failed in service to their communities. He said there was a need for tertiary institutions to create platforms to achieve these objectives in order to make significant impacts on their immediate communities and the nation.

He said: “Universities are meant to drive technological, social and environmental change in a world facing increasing challenges. Research is a systematic way of inquiry with the view to arriving at new facts that could be useful in understanding a phenomenon or altering it.
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